Thursday, January 8, 2009

planes, trains, and automobiles

when i awoke (albeit massively hungover and near death) on January 1st 2009, i felt a wave of terror crash upon me. i was still the same person. maybe the worst version of myself ever.i have woken up on the past 9 different new years, pledging the same pathetic collection of resolutions and never once making good on any of them. That morning I wasnt sure if the unsettling feeling i was experiencing was do to the alcohol or my nerves, but i knew something needed to change. my wheels have begun spinning. i now have a plan.

now, i know that part of my problem is that i am a planner in the worst sense of the word. i plan to a fault. i wasnt always this way but in the last few years i have come to believe that if i plan, than nothing can surprise me. this has definitely proved false considering: i moved back home (not in my plan), my three year on/off boyfriend moved to colorado (not in my plan), and i still visit him (nope, no plan). But, alas, i am planning again. However, this time I am gonna need some help choosing. Gimme some feedback. What would you do? Where do you wanna go? Hey! Feel like coming along?

plan 1: yellowstone national park

i have applied to work 8-10 weeks at yellowstone park in wyoming. if chosen, i will live in a "bunker", with communal bathrooms, massive bugs (i assume), and be a waitress or retail cashier in one of their hotels.
But, i will also be breathing some of the most clean and wonderful air you can get your lungs on. i can take pictures, hike, canoe, do whatever the hell it is people do there. all that matters is that it is something that i havent ever done before.

plan 2: railroading
the lovely people at Amtrak have made it possible for you to purchase a 30-unlimited train ticket for $375. with said ticket you can go ALL OVER THIS GREAT COUNTRY ON A FREAKIN TRAIN! where ever you want to go, coast to coast. the whole while looking out our window at the various cities and plains you pass through. I plan on taking this trip to chicago, nashville, denver, moab, vegas, montanta and san fran. stopping where ever i want. meeting the salt of the earth.

plan 3: west coast trippin'
after flying out to denver, colorado I (and maybe a lil mattreen?) will drive to Moab Utah, the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Joshua Tree and then up the Cali coast. Your typical road trip peppered with some sweet naturally occurring wonders.

plan 4: outward bound
i also applied to work for outward bound. OB is a fantastic company that takes kids and teens on adventures all over the country. kayaking, climbing, hiking, dog sledding. seriously, anything you can come up with they do. if chosen i get to come along as an adult logistics person for the trips. i will get to see parts of the country i typically would never see. the best part is that a lot of the work they do is with at-risk youths. getting kids outta the ghetto and into the wilderness for some good, back-country fun.

I am in a wonderful position where I dont have to work this summer (until Sept). So i wanna take advantage of that. I am planning on doing one of these trips. Help me out. what would you do? (WWYD)hahah


Rich said...

these all sound great but if it were up to me id say do the train thing so a bunch of other folks (me included) can go along for the ride. but thats just me. they all sound more fun and rewarding than whatever il be doing this summer lol

Brian said...

Plan 4 sounds like the best fit for you. Its also the safest most well structured of the plans while still allowing for you to make your own fun whereever you go. And you will be helping inner city kids which i know has always given you a rise.

Plan 1, I have been hearing bad things about earthquakes in yellowstone on the news...seriously google that shit.

Plan 2, i just feel like you will be running a risk of getting raped if you do this alone.

Plan 3 should be the back up if OB fucks up and does not take you.

Hope this helps shan!

ps. i love making decisions, its why i'm currently directing my life towards becoming a school principal. So you can just send these paradox's over any time and i'll tell you what i think

angela said...

personally shan i you don't strike me as a "rough it" type of gal.. i vote for the train. first of all, i think it's more bang for your buck, you'll be able to see a wider range rather than just sticking to yellowstone (and greco, when did you become an earthquake enthusiast?) and second of all, i can tag along.

shannon said...

ahh i am so thankful for the wise words, guys! Ill definitely check out that earthquake business, greco good looks. I will let y'all know when things being to develop!
richard-the more the merrier